Featured Person of the Month: Ryan Higa!

OMG! I'm addicted! Joke, not really just slight. Here I am loving life. And yes I recently found someone interesting in Youtube! And is named........

RYAN HIGA! from nigahiga....

Well, I know you'd probably know him if you're one of his millions of subscribers all over the world
(I'm one of them).

And here I just want to share an awesome person I will never stop watching and laughing at. He's a good comedian, actor and more stuff. I won't make this long so I'm welcoming Ryan Higa in my blog! (literally no. Just some favorite videos of him)

 Nice Guys by Chester See, Kevjumba and Nigahiga (Ryan's Version)

Shed a Tear by Chester See, Kevjumba and Nigahiga
 Word of the Day: Bromance with special guest Jay Park


and of course, out of everything else I have enjoyed this short film they made with collaboration of Wong Fu Productions.

"Agents of Secret Stuff"
This just a few of the things I have watched and liked the most of all. BUT BELIEVE ME, this is so not half of it. Basically there's more to watch! Just don't forget to subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/nigahiga?feature=chclk for his nigahiga channel
http://www.youtube.com/user/HigaTV for HigaTV channel link!

Blood Loss

No, I didn't have blood loss. probably just a cup of blood did.

It all started with a red scissors. My brother got my pencil case and took out the scissors and started playing with it.

I tried to get it back since it might cut his fingers, so when I tried retrieving it, I ended up cutting a portion of my skin in my right point-finger and is currently in pain for bleeding.

I was crying so hard because it wouldn't stop bleeding and it literally cut through my skin. I changed thousands of band-aids or cotton balls or tissues or whatever and all ended up red in the trash can.

I just hoped it'll heal soon because it hurts big time.

Different Lives

In my life, I have many handicaps or problems to overcome. Well, everyone has or had.

It all started when a stray cat bit my left hand near the area between the thumb and the wrist. I had to get injected for 2-3 months, providing one per week and a 3 for the first medication. That cat bite gave me a slower process to be a violinist. I had to be 2 weeks off our out of violin classes because it's not moving so well.

After it healed, no scar was left. So it made me a little happier.

But a year after in January, I was hurrying going to school and sprained my right foot from the wheel of a pedicab. I couldn't move it so bad that our school clinic had to excuse me out of school. The good thing was that it's a Friday, so I had the weekends to help move my feet at least and only one absent. I went to the hospital and told them that I am a dancer. Sadly, they told me that I wouldn't be able to dance for 2 months because of the sever strain. I couldn't believe it so I tried to attend one class before without my ankle support but I end up dancing like a beginner when I was in Children's Ballet Class already.

When I went back to dancing after not dancing for 2 months, I remember the first jumping exercise we did and I almost fell back but my left foot caught me. I tried so hard that summer to regain my dancing abilities again. The results were good. I got my scholarship for the first time and a promotion to a higher level.

That was in 2011. Later that year around November, my ballet teacher noticed that I was leaning to my left almost the whole class and requested for a check up for scoliosis. I took the X-ray test last December 29, 2011. The result came out just yesterday after receiving the x-ray scans. My pediatrician told me as she saw the results, my scoliosis was hereditary. I asked her if it could be fixed and all she said that it's only corrective. She also said if I wanted to have straight back again, I could go for operation but it's a foggy option since I might not make it especially it's in the spine and I'm only 13 to begin with. My spinal chords is still developing but in a wrong turn. As a child it's dangerous even to adults.

Now, I don't know what's the next "Accident" I'm going to meet. And if there ever was, Oh please I don't want it. I already made my New Year's Resolution saying that I will take care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally and socially inclined. I just hope to stop all of these bad luck. I still do want to pursue my career both as a musician and a dancer.

I thought that even with these kind of body, I can dance. If Beethoven was able to make music when he became deaf, and Esref Armagan can paint without eyes, then why can't I dance with scoliosis? I believe in the saying everyone has capabilities to do something in his/her life. Everyone is unique and their own way. And everyone has a talent to share may it be an art or intellectual gift.