I've never been good with reviews or insights of a certain book. Unlike my mom, who loves to write reviews for a certain thing - gadget, books, event or place and whatsoever.
One Summer Ago, my school gave out a reading list for incoming sophomores. And one of the books was Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid. And it's also one of the first book I actually thought to be serious with that much (Aside from Geronimo Stilton in 3rd grade and Nancy Drew in 6th).
Mind you readers, I am not fond of reading every week. But sometimes I take it into account to read in my spare times.
So to not make this long, as seen from the title of this post I have finally read the 2nd book of the Kane Chronicles. The Throne of Fire.
I've had this book since my mom got it for me as a gift for my first SepSEP (September Scholarship Evaluation Program) performance last year in 2011. And yes, I only took the initiative to read it now.
[Yes. I admit I am outdated when it comes to reading material]
But it anyways, I loved the book just as much as the first one. And I am sure there will be a third book. I'm not writing any spoilers here so in anyways, I recommend you guys to read this. I utterly in love with this.
So in summer, I also made a quest like Sadie and Carter. But my quest is to at least read 10 books the whole summer.
I know I'm lame when it comes to reading material. So if I ever pass the boundary of the number 10, I'm telling you it'll be a miracle.
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