Fashion 21: Make-Up

Seriously, I am not a fashion addict nor in love with too many make-ups in my closet or locker. That is until I shopped with it on my own. ~

Yesterday I got my credit card. Having my credit card with me, I got the chance to buy the things I want for myself and to myself only. So I went to the beauty department and bought a whole new make-up set for my recitals and shows for the next 2-3 weeks.

I seriously had a hard time going to the make-up section since I don't usually go there. I usually pass by the stationary area where I buy lots of sticky pads, paint and such. But it took me at least 20 minutes to go straight there and ask for make-up. And it went well, better than I thought.

I started with looking for a mascara, then a sales lady gave me tips on mascara and started introducing their products. I actually ended up landing in the stalls of Fashion 21. Knowing me who don't really need to be brand choosy, I liked it.

These are things I bought from Fashion 21 and it was worth the prices!

1. Mascara '90
2. EYELINER with Foam Tip
3. Perfect Stick Concealer
4. Duo Blush-On
5. Two Way Cake with Papaya Extract Powder
6. Color Mood Lipstick
7. Color Set Eye Shadow Pallette

You can all see the products at Fashion 21's Official Site

So these are the 7 things I bought at Fashion 21. And I like them personally. Though I'm still going to buy more. Other than that, I bought bobby pins from Watson, Hair clips and hair ties from Nouveau Classic Collection.

So much for credit card usage! Though all of them are good sales. All of these only costs me 1, 500.00 Pesos if estimated. It was really nice. I saved up money and is even worth my time.

Next time, I'll be posing about new makeup brushes! I hope to buy a set of it.

Have you ever tried I did! And it was really great! Here's another review of a website I found!

A week ago, my friend posted something in facebook. As I clicked it I was sent to this place:

MUZY.COM!!! Horray!

Well, according to, this is their definition of the site: Muzy is a new kind of blog for your creative side! Post anything to your own beautiful blog with our unique + creative apps. Share with your friends.

It's a blog where you can use apps to express your thoughts and such. Here you can use apps like:

Word Play
Phot Quotes
Pixel Me
Cube Me
Doll Me Up
Dream Status
Stamp Status
Mirror Status
Photo Brush
Music Maker
Animal Pics
Celebrity Pics
Fashion Pics
Mobile Photo
Music Grid
Pattern Status
Photo Text
Webcam Status
Sumo Paint
Twitter Faves

Is it too many? Well it's enough for me! Try for yourself! And I'm sure you'd like playing with the apps!

Sleeping Beauty (Update)

Hey folks! Still remember my previous post about Sleeping Beauty ? I told you before that I am an understudy at the start of this month. But last Saturday's decisions changed it all.

One of my co-dancer quit the dance for her to focus on her studies because she's a graduating student. I was even pleasing her not to let go about the dance because it's a great chance to have an oppurtunity like this. But she decided and gave the role to me. It was sad but fortunate in both ways.

So it so happens that from December 2-11, I might be dancing everyday for the shows. So starting last week, We've been doing rehearsals for our dance. And it's tiring. because we have almost like everyday rehearsals from 7-10 pm. and classes from 5:30 -7 or 8 pm. Despite the tiring events, for me and all the other dancers it's worth our time. Not only because of the chances of success and oppurtunities but because we all love to dance.

That's one reason. We dance because we love to. And our logo was "We dance for you". We dance not only for ourselves but to share it to others too. And each performance we make is for me and for all of you.

I'll put an update about the performances soon!

Rather than worth

I rather buy 10,000 Pesos worth of clothes
than buy worthless applications.
I rather use my credit card in buying
products for my business.

I rather use my ATM worth of shoes
than use it for gadget accessories.
I rather use money for something worth it
than just a cheap piece of tablet.

Sound Trip: Underwater by Allison Harvard in ANTM

For America's Next Top Model Cycle 17 All Stars Episode 8: Game is one my favorite episodes of ANTM. The girls were great and I loved their music! And of course, my favorite among the Music Videos is Allison's Underwater. 

I did not choose this song because it's the Best Video/Photo of the week. It's all because the awkwardness and weirdness (as Game says it) is beautifully presented. It's like the ugly-pretty factor. Her weirdness is beauty for her. I like the song really. It feels like I can feel the tension of the song. I feel the emotions overflowing through the song. And it wasn't long until I realized that I wasn't only drawn by her song, the tune and the lyric, That I was also drawn at her big weird yet pretty eyes. As the judges says it, if this was an album or something I will surely buy it. 

Here's the video of Allison's Underwater MV.


Allison, you're an all star, shine bright
Father, sister, mother, father, sleeping, standing, undewater~ Fierce~ pot ledom~
sinking, swimming, floating, dreaming, forward moving, backword thinking~ All-star~
Pot ledom, Brother, Sister, Mother, Father, 1, 2, 3, 4, Underwater~ 1, 2, 3, 4, underwater~ pot ledom~ underwater~ top model backwords~

Sound Trip: 5 O'Clock by T-Pain ft. Wiz Khalifa, Lily Allen

REMINDERS: Every now and then, each time I put up a song it'll be entitled "Sound Trip: (Title and artist)". The reason behind this uniform was because of a simple scene in my biology class I'd like to share about.

Today, in my Biology class that consists of 2 hours on a Monday and Thursday bores us to death. And to be blunt, it'll be that rhythmic line in a nursery rhyme We All Fall Down!  Basically, we tend to fall asleep. As the discussion continues, our teacher gave us a Seat Work. And of course, if you didn't listen to the discussion, you wouldn't know answering it. But it was easy because it's only the conversions of bases from DNA to m and t RNA stating also its Amino Acid or Protein paired by the mRNA.

One of my classmate then suggested to put up music in youtube (because there was internet) and play a little sound trip to make us stay away. And there, Sound Trips during Seat works and taking Quizzes is the new trend in biology class.

And the first song we played was 5 O'Clock by T-Pain ft. Wiz Khalifa, Lily Allen

I liked the song. It's very peaceful for me and it made me feel at ease. I now list this song as one of my Top Most Played song in my Youtube account and in iTunes. Listen to it. This song is actually very relaxing for me.

SEP Artists' Day 2011-2012

SEP is an outreach program by the Student Council of SSC HS Department. Now every year, there are certain events that are special other than the usual volunteer teaching program. Last November 19, 2011 was Artists' Day for the kids. Knowing that I am in my club called "Curtain Call", which is the drama club of my school in HS, I'd like to give a few notes about my second experience of SEP Artists' Day.

I am in my sophomore year of High School and this is NOT the first time I attended SEP Artists' Day. Last year, we also had Artists' Day for our SEP Activity and ours were pretty much hurried somehow. 

As I recall it, last year our Senior club president texted me the night before the actual day and told us to be at school for SEP Artists' Day especially those who can come. It was a rush.
The next day I went to school coming from my ballet class breathing heavily from running around CCP to home to school. As I came, only around 6 of us came out of 30 members of our club. Well it was explainable since we didn't really know what to do. But let's skip to the play part. We ended up staging a short skit about a potato saving his friend chicken from being fried as Fried Chicken by the "Mc Jolly" truck. The plot goes like this:
Chicken, always wake up early therefore as a rooster, he crows in the morning. It's a usual practice in the farm. But potato doesn't like waking up early and always gets to arguments with Chicken. So Spider is the one who always comes between them and stop them from fighting. But one day, chicken was "abducted" by the Mc Jolly driver and is going to be turned to the Mc Jolly Fried Chicken! "Oh no!" they all said. But since Potato is a good friend of Chicken, he goes and saves Chicken from the Mc Jolly Driver. Soon, they agree friendship between the two of them and vows peace with the other farm animals and plants.
For the sake of the children, I played the role of a spider. For the props and costume, since we didn't have any in the first place we bought as many cartolina, and yarns, glue, art papers and start making paper potatoes, paper spider and a rooster costume out of papers and all. It was kind of last minute because we weren't prepared with anything. I helped since I had some materials that could help in the process which was some markers, tape, staplers and double-sided tape. 
As we came there, we staged a play, had them act the role they like, and even stage the play themselves. It was dead tiring but worth my time.

This year, we prepared ourselves quite longer and better than last year. This year we had at least less than a week of preparation but we nailed some of the factors of theater in it. We stage a play called "Ang prinsipe na may mahabang ilong." In english it's "The Prince that has a Long Nose". The story goes like this:

One day, a handsome prince falls in love with a beautiful princess. Both of them loves each other. Every day the prince visits the princess and tries to ask her hand for marriage. But there was a hinder: the Princess' cat. The pet cat does not like the prince thus, the prince cannot go too near the princess because the cat is always with her.

So, the prince goes to the forests and finds an old man, a wizard perhaps, and asks for his help to chase the cat away. The old man/wizard then said to him "That cat is a monster! He will never allow you to come near the princess. Thus, if you what to be with the princess, then you have to step the cat's tail and it will die." Thanking the old man/wizard, the prince then hurriedly rushed to the princess' castle and called her.

"My Princess, are you there?" he said. as the princess response yes, he hurriedly steps at the cat's tail. The cat, furious enough then turned to a monster and bewitches the both of them "Because of your lame acts, I will put up a curse on you. You're first born son shall be born with a long nose!" There the cat then dies. 

Without realizing that the curse is true, the prince and the princess gets married. They become then the new king and queen of the kingdom. But as their son was born, the curse then becomes true. He was born with a long nose. He never goes out of the palace because of his nose that is as long as a sword and sometimes even hits his own father with it.

One day, the little prince asks again "Father, Mother why is my nose so long?" he asks. As the king was about to response, until he was hit by his nose and was silenced by his dearest queen to not let out about the curse. "My son, it's just really like that." The queen said. As the little prince gets depressed again, he goes to the forest with his servant maid and walks alone.The maid then tells the prince to stay put in the forest so that she can find their way back to the kingdom. 

While waiting for his maid, he heard a scream. "AHHHHH!!! Help me! Help me! I'm drowning!" Said by the commoner girl who was drowning in a sand quick. The prince then hurriedly goes to the girl trying to find something long to hold unto. Since he couldn't find any, he thought of one last solution. his nose. "! Hold my nose and I'll pull you out!" Said the prince as he pulls the girl out of the quicksand.

"Thank you! You saved my life!" Said the commoner girl. They then asks each others' name. the girl was Gracia and the prince's name is Prince Borris. At first sight, they then fall in love despite the prince's long nose. then a fairy comes in and says "Because of your beautiful rich heart, you are now free from your curse!" A fairy godmother said as she magically takes the nose away and return it to its original state. 

The both of them became happy and walked through the forest as the maid saw the prince. The maid was so shocked that they all left the forest and the maid started spreading the good news. As the prince and Gracia goes back to the kingdom, the queen and king was happy yet shocked by his new appearance. The prince then introduces Gracia. The queen then tells them that they'll take care of Gracia and even make her go to school. The story then ends with a "They all live happily every after". THE END.

Now you know the story, I'd like to let you know too that I became the prince. Being in an all-girls school, it is not much of a surprise when I become the prince. I am the prince who became the king. the one who stepped on the cat's tail. It was kind of weird since I'm an inch or two shorter than the princess. (Sorry for being short). 

After we staged the play, we asked the kids our audience to stage the play again with us. So it went like this. Kids who wanted to be the prince, will be taught the lines and how to  be a prince. And so on and so forth. So in my part, I had one boy who wanted to be king. I started it with giving him my paper crown and start asking if he liked the play and the like. I then started teaching him in stepping on the cat's tail and reading the lines. After the short moment of practice, the kids staged the play twice. And they even wanted a third encore for it! But time was running out. So our club moderator decided to do some story telling about a prince and a princess who could not say her name because of a curse. (I'll post the story in another blog post). 

After that, the kids went down to go back to their homes (since they went to our school). Then we had a short critique discussion. Our Ups and Down. 

As a summary, we had a great production. Despite the short time, and characters, we did great. Especially the costume and set design. Our costumes was prepared by a D. She used all her resources and connections to get things all done. Our set design was very simple yet promising. It as just made out of cartolina, paint and markers yet it made a good set for our short play. the audience impact was good. The kids were reacting to the story and they could understand our story. Time was also great and teamwork adds up to the point.
But our downs were that we have low voices. Because we were staging it in an open area, our voices were not that much heard especially if you were at the back. Our characterization were not that polished. It was not that great. We had some character break down. Another is that memorization. Yes,I am famous for this. Because of the short time, some of my lines and cues is forgotten. More like jumbled. I mixed prince and princess together, I hurry too fast, overlapping with the narrator. I even cried because of it at the end. It's the thing we called "MENTAL BLOCK". And it's not very pretty. Those are the main points of up and down of the short production but there's more than just that.we also talked about the attention span of the children, the program we used, which is not good and so. And even how we talk or teach the children to their certain character. It was tiring and hard but I said at the end "it was worth the experience". 

So this is it. After the event ended, I came home and dragged myself to bed and sleep. And this is not the only SEP I'm going to be attending to. I know that for sure. 

Every Time

Every time you call her,
I'd always hope it was me.
Every time you say her  name,
I'd always hope it was mine instead.

Every time you give her a gift,
I'd always hope you gave it to me instead.
Every time you ask for her,
I'd always hope it was me instead.

Every time you sing with her,
I wish it was just me you chose.
Every time you text me about her,
I say don't text me about her.

Every time, is a long time.
Trying to wait under a cherry tree,
Until all it's petals leave,
I still had hope for love.

But that love is too much I gave,
and nothing comes in return.
Yet I always hope that someday,
you'd realize I loved you the most.

But I know it'd be too dreamy for me.
Since I know you don't like me.
It's a stated truth,
yet I don't want to know.

I don't like to lie to myself,
yet every time I cheer you up,
with all the reasons of her,
I always lie to your eyes.

To every sense of humor you say,
I just laugh at it,
even if sometimes,
it's just really lame.

I don't know how much
I have written.
But really this ain't
your ideal poem.

I hope this love comes to an end,
because it penetrates my heart
like a stray fire of the wind.
And it's time to say goodbye.

Amelia - La La La Human Steps

Yesterday Night, I came across this video that was posted in fb by one of my seniors in my dance trainings. I watched it and yes it was amazing! Their movements were flawless and beautiful. Very precise and accurate. Ballet Modern/Contemporary. Couldn't think of anything else. The music was also good. It really made an impact to me as a dancer. I hope everyone could see this. Here's the video I found in Youtube. This actually became my dance inspiration.

One of my teachers in school gave us this word "inspirare" means inspiration. And my "inspirare" is this.

SB Rehearsals: Little Boys

Today, November 12, 2011 I was dancing for Sleeping Beauty Rehearsals. As I have said before I am understudying for fairy children in the company show of CCP.

The flow was this: we are going to be dancing with the garland dancer. which is quite a good yet small thing. But it's worth my time. So, for the past week, it was said that we'll be having partners! Wow, I sighed.

Now today comes and guess what, our partners are 8-10 years old little kids! Wow and yes we are taller than them. They came from this dance foundation they gives them tuition and money to go to school and stuff. I didn't mind that part.

For me, they were good dancers at their age. They have poise, dignity and pride. Oh and by the way most of them are american cute faces.

But one thing I'm sure of is that they're seriously rough people. They were divided to two groups, and whenever one group is dancing the other makes noise. It might be irritating but because they're kids, we're forgiving them.

The sad part here is that we were rehearsing for like 3 hours doing the same dance over and over again and it was dead tiring. At the end of the day I was exhausted. Probably because there are times that our dance get unorganized because they start to move around. But for kids, they are quite good in behavior. They can understand as well even if we're older than them. They now their place and where enthusiasm should be placed.

One of the little boys even asked me about the steps for the 2nd entrance. They were worth my time and yes even if it's tiring it was an amazing experience to dance with little boys ages 8-10.

My teacher even told me to just let them be because they're kids. What do you expect from kids who are still at the peak of their childhood playing? So I just agreed upon that because when I was kid I was like them, all proud yet rough.

Looking at them, they have a future in dance. I know one person that told me "Dance changed my life completely. Thanks to dance, I am now able to be independent and not living to regrets". He told me. And I wish everyone would think that too.

Dance is not only dance. It's more than movements.

11/11/11 - Full of Patterns

Everyday I've always wished,
that I can wish to a pattern time.

Today I receive a message of
a time: 11/11/11

I can't recall what happened
last year: 10/10/10

It might not be my birthday,
but I'm sure it wasn't that great either.

All I know that today is a great day,
A lucky day to say in an instance.

That patterns of the number 1,
is not the same of a computer's languange

But the 11/11/11
is a fascinating thing.

It can inspire me to do something,
well to see a simple number in life.

At 11:11, for only 60 seconds,
of my life I treasured to wishes.

I didn't care about anything,
just to send a single wish to the stars.

I don't know if it's true,
But I wish it comes true.

If it does not then my luck ran out,
Next year I'll wish a better a charm.

Now that ends my little words,
just to end the day tonight.

11/11/11, I know you won't come back again,
But thanks for the days.

Sorry for my autism.
Life is just great like that.

Back to School for my Violin

Hey Guys! Remember my post for 7 Hiatus of music? well, I'm back! Yes, I started my 1st violin lessons again after 7 months
of not practicing and stuff. It was quite a yes or no question for me since it's either I'll continue or not.
And of course I chose to continue.

So there. There was actually quite a problem well a small little conflict for me to go to our school's music building. Since our building is newly made this year and it is quite a labyrinth maze.

There's more than one part of the building to discover. And I have just discovered like 1/3 of this. When I came inside, one thing that I did was to get lost of all things. Me being an alumnae there, being able to graduate Grade School and there and have a lasting record of 9 years of studying there was the first dumb thing that I can ever do in my school life.

I was panicking for the first time because I didn't know which room to go. I checked 5 floors out of 6 floors of the building for any instance that my teacher is any of those rooms. But for around 25 minutes, I wasn't able to find my classroom and decided to go back to the Dean's Office and ask for directions.

The good thing there was that my teacher saw me inside the office and just took me with her and guided. She apologized for not telling me the room number. Well, it was a mis-communication anyways.

As I came inside are own small unit room, it was only a plain white porcelaine wall, a window across the room, own new aircon, a piano, a chair and a stand with a table at the corner of the room. It was better than I'd imagine. Having a piano at almost every room of the building was just fantastic for me. Because at our tempo building, we were trying to fit like 2 or 3 pianos at a time in one small cell room! And it was like so hot since the ceiling was a bit low and it was kind of cramped in that old small dormitory-like building. (Well it was the dormitory for the sisters. Quite understandable)

I started class with nothing prepared beforehand. My teacher asked me why I didn't prepare anything because this was the same problem I encountered last year. I said it was because for the past 7 months of not playing anything, I forgot everything.  So I ended up doing an short auditions for my teacher.

My teacher gave me at least 3 comments:

1. My position is still good.
2. My fretting is still so-so but good.
3. My bowing is acceptable.

"But!" she marked. She said that my bowing got off key. Like it doesn't have a good sense of direction anymore.Basically it's not straight anymore and it is going diagonally.

Also, my volume was so like a child's play. The connection of the notes was like it ended crashing up in the mountains!

So I ended up getting an assignment for practicing my bowing, volume and notes connection. But all in all she said that for my age, my fingering were excellent. And I'd like to stick with that comment till the end.

New Heart

For the first time,
I felt so beautiful
so good today,
I just wish another day

For the first time,
I felt so beautiful,
because you're here with me,
I hope you see it that way too.

I don't know why,
but I'm falling down the sky
I hope somebody will catch me
hold me with your arms.

I don't know why,
but I want to fly,
just to see you one more time,
I'd fly through the sky.

Is it too much to ask?
to fly then fall?
to see you then be caught?
is it really too much?

Is it too much to ask?
if I want to be loved
i  hope it won't be questioned
because you're the same too

I won't judge that much
So just let me be free
to choose whoever i want
and be happy and pleased.

That's all for tonight folks,
nothing else to say.
I hope you give me some time,
to think about what I'll say!

A doll in a Music Box

I know it's already night time and people are already changing due to the change of our dimensional world. I always ask  myself, what would I be in the future? And how is this possible?

I thought and thought till I came up with none but in the end I still had my doubts:

IF I become a dancer, I hope I won't only get minor roles.
IF I do become a violinist, I hope I'd learn what orchestra means.
IF I do become a part-time actor, I hope I understand what I'm doing.
IF I do earn millions of cash, I hope to spend it wisely.
IF the future I planned worked out, I hope it won't fail.
IF life permits me to do something great, I would build a big mansion.
IF life permits me to do something big, I would make a school with a couple of friends.
IF the world permits me to travel, I'd like to go to Japan.
IF the possibilities of these things I wrote is less than 50%, then the only thing I can do is to HOPE.

You might think I'm very random about life and say "don't worry, life will work well for you." But I don't really think so. Life is hard as everyone says.

But how hard can it get when you get bruises and wounds, scars and even nightmares from each time you try, and each time you fail?
How wrong can you go beyond the limits of your life when you know that there's nothing left but a mere wall of destruction or hope?
How high can you make it, when each time you try to fly, you lose sight and fall down?
How much pain do I need to get before my heart tears itself apart?
How much words do I need to say before you accept my million apologies?
How much tears do I need to shed for my life to be all good again?
How many nightmares do I have to sleep with just to enter a peaceful dream?
How many scars do I need to get before everyone notice my hard work of excellence and pain?
How long does time wants me to live when I feel so good as death?
How much time is it left for me to start regretting my actions?
How many minutes are left for me to turn everything back to the way it was?
How many seconds are there left for me to say a simple word called: love to everyone who left me?

How much sacrifices do I need to do just to attain happiness?

I can't answer all these questions. I don't know what else to say but I feel so gothic and emotional right now. Sometimes, I ask myself:

"Why can't my life be so dramatic as who I am? Why can't my life be so upsetting as how I want it to? Why can't  I be the one with a story to tell? Why can't my life be something I'd talk about deeply in my heart? It's a play in my head that won't stop playing. It's a song in my heart that won't stop singing. It's a dance for my body that won't stop dancing. That's how cruel life it is to me. Treating each and everybody like...

...a doll in a music box"

My Happy Ending

My Happy Ending wasn't so happy.

I thought it'd be happy
But not at all.
I thought, it'd stay like this forever with you.
But I was wrong.

I cried when you lied to me.
you lied to my heart and my being.
you lied to the person who thought of you as a friend.
you lied to me, whom you knew it was well.

I don't know what happened.
it was a mess, a crash.
But since I loved you,
I'll keep it like that.

I don't want to get hurt,
I don't want to hurt you.
I don't want anything,
but to be with you.

But it wasn't what I'd imagine,
what I envisioned to be.
Because this ending,
wasn't all that happy for me.

Yet all sincere and great,
I'll accept this pain.
Since after a month,
I bid you farewell.

I smiled the last time,
on my phone I say.
"It's not friendship,
but just a civil act"

I accept all pains.
all miseries from the past.
I don't care anymore,
and just move on at last.

Because when I wrote this down,
My feelings for you were gone.
It wasn't all that it seem,
but I hope you knew it was me.

Yet no matter what happened,
No matter how many times
I go back in time to the past,
the result will be the same.

It's a test I failed.
I have nothing more to say.
Just give me back
the past I wrecked.

I'll have my guardians sign it,
let them know of it.
How much I tried to pass it,
But really it wasn't enough.
But don't worry about me,
Because when I wrote this down, 
I wasn't crying or anything.
I even felt fresh about it.

Because as you say,
it's all civil act.
For the sake of the rest
and for ours, too.

I don't know why, 
but I can't stop an end
to this odd little poem
that doesn't even rhyme. 

Here's my last word
to everyone who have hurt me
and whom I've hurt.
in return for a simple a favor: 

I hope to see you
while I smile.
while I live and
ask for a real Happy Ending.

After all, I don't believe in Fairy tales.

Favicons: Your Favorite Icons

I know I haven't told you this. There was a time when I was making this blog that I had a problem or struggle. It's more like a question.

When I was making the layout of this blog, there was one thing that I did not fill out. The Favicon. When I first saw it I was like "What is this for?". So I tried using it but all the pictures I thought  would be great for it was a goner. So I searched again back in Google what favicon is.

According to wikipedia: A favicon play /ˈfævɨkÉ’n/ (short for favorites icon), also known as a shortcut icon, Web site icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more[citation needed] small icons, most commonly 16×16 pixels, associated with a particular Web site or Web page.[1][2] A web designer can create such an icon and install it into a Web site (or Web page) by several means, and graphical web browsers will then make use of it.

Basically it's the one that serves like identity of a certain Web site or Web page.

The "W" here is the favicon of Wikipedia.

So now, let's go to the making part. How do they make it?

I am seriously not familiar with this all favicon thing. But getting back to the layout making of this blog, I was desperate to make a favicon. So I ended up going to  favicon.ico Generator.

In this site, you can make your own favicon and put it in your website or web pages.
You'll be given a 16x16 graph where you'll start coloring the boxes according to the image of your favicon for your web site or pages.

Then you can save it in your desktop and use it for your own!

Here are the favicons of familiar sites:

1. Facebook - I am sure that EVERY ONE knows about this.

2. Twitter- the famous bird of the season.

3. Google - I'll be shocked if no one knows about this site!

4.Yahoo - If there's a "g" there's a "Y"!

People might ask me this: "Isn't that their logos?"

Well, yes it is. Usually, your favicon is the logo that identifies a certain website. Also there's nothing wrong in putting your logo as your favicon. But not all are logos like Twitter. Twitter's logo is the small letter "t", however they use a bird for their favicon in their site. Also, favicons are usually the shortened version of a logo.

Well, that's about it! Don't forget to check out favicon.ico Generator and create your own icons. You can also other people's work of icons!


Ken's Rehabilitation Program a.k.a. Therapy

I have a little brother named Ken. When he was born, we thought he was the weakest among us. Well you'd probably change your thoughts about that.

Ken made a new record in his school for bullying two people and sending them away (one was hospitalized) by slapping, kicking, punching and throwing things at them. The shock here is that Ken was the youngest and the smallest (shortest perhaps) among his batch  and he bullied a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old.

After these incidents, their teacher recommended him to go to rehabilitation or how we call it "Therapy". The school didn't send him away. In fact, most parents and teachers love him for his bright and cheerful personality. It's just that he is very much bad at interacting with people because of his spoiled behavior. Basically, if this is a card grade, he'll be getting a "NI" (Needs Improvement) for Behavior Conduct Grade.

So he has been doing this Therapy since the start of October. Today, November 5, 2011, I went to see how he works in his little rehab school. It was located in Greenhills. There were other children, too, but most of them don't speak because of disorder. Some parents even want Ken to play with their children because of he is hyperactive.

We waited there for an hour and he was in his own room with Teacher Louise playing with a kid named Arthur. I could hear his voice in the hallway. It seems that the Therapy was for Ken to control his energy level and learn to behave properly.

Since he started attending the rehab a.k.a. therapy, he has learned to behave properly by around 2% each time he goes to "class". I saw how effective the therapy was for him and how good the teacher is. 

Until he finish his rehabilitation a.k.a. therapy classes, I'll be going there from time to time and I'll update you with some info about my 3-year-old little brother whose energy level is way beyond his needs.

Fonts for Life

Have you ever wanted to put an end to writing boring reports? To cheer you up, I'll introduce you to one my favorite sites that I always go to whenever I want to write something different. And one way to encourage myself to write is to change my FONT.

Readers, Please welcome Mr. Urban Fonts !

So here's the thing. It all happened one boring night while I was finishing a chapter in a book. Seeing it go till the 15th page, it bored me and I stopped. As I browsed the Internet, I always wonder : "Where'd they get that font?" which reminded me of a friend who printed these cool fonts and used them as designs in her planners, notebooks and such. It was awesome I tell you. I wasn't able to get the site she used that time. So I searched it  up myself.

I went to google (as usual) and typed there, Free Fonts Downloads (since I don't have any intention to buy fonts in the internet. It's JUST fonts).  As I searched, I saw this Free Fonts site. And it had it all: MY FONTS.

I present you to: 

If you have come across this site, tell me your opinion and comments about this. If not, well try it! 

It was seriously awesome! I was able to download fonts that I like in different forms. They have more than a hundred fonts of different genres and categories. You should check it out. It's worth your time.

Here are some of my favorite fonts from my favorites categories:

Category #1: 3D (3 Dimensional)

     Font #1: Boxing Brophius by GemFonts

    - this reminds me of the old typewriter keyboard, where it actually punches out and sounds whenever we press it hard.
  Font #2: Blox (BRK) by Brian Kent [site]

    - This totally reminds me of the game Blox, where you have to move the block with arrow keys having it with correct box and steps to be able to finish the game.

Font#3: ChocolateDropsNF by Nick Curtis

     - what i like about this font would probably be the effect of the un-proportional size and spacing of the letters between.

Category#2: Gothic

Font#1: Ardenwood Demo by Scriptorium Fonts [site]

    - What I really like about this is the side  designs. I wasn't really paying attention  to the letter though. But it looks so elegant and to me at first sight, it looked like a wall of vines with really many ancient doors.

Font#2: Bill Hicks 5 by Penny Fonts [site]

     - ain't this cool or what? I couldn't find the alphabet form of this font but there is but in a bigger picture so i chose this. also I fell in love with its total emotic darkness. Very strong.
Font#3: Deutsche Zierschrift by Dieter Steffman

     - Now I can say that I was crazy for lines. When I was browsing the content of this category, the lines of this font really caught my eye. I'd admit it myself.

Category #3: Graffiti Fonts

   Font #1: Kyrlon Gothic by Clearlight Fonts [site]
      - this font really reminds me of Tarzan. well specifically the Jungle. I don't know why, but every summer in my dance school the theme for our recitals are always concerned with the Earth Theme. And we staged Starzan and Jeniz by Teacher Noordin Jumalon this year. And when i saw this font i was like "Starzan!"
Font #2: The Battle Continuez 

    - I can say the most that this reminds me of painted walls by street gangs where they use spray paint on walls using words not suitable for kids. But i always wonder "How do they do a piece of drawing in a wall bigger than them with just a spray paint?" it was amazing for me.
Font #3: Meglaphoid by Casa

     -Last but not the least, The meglaphoid. The name actually caught my attention. And it reminded me of how bad my handwriting is before. Also, in one forum I was reading at, she was using somewhat similar to this kind of font.

All in all, this are JUST SOME of my favorites. You can check out their site for their Latest Featured fonts. you can also  buy fonts from them if you want. 

Comment, Rate  and Suggests! 

Till next time!

Rockmelt Experience

I woke up at around 11 am today. Pretty late? I know right. Anyways, I ate my lunch and checked my mail around 1 pm today. And I received this mail: The Rockmelt Survey! 

Ha-ha. as if it's pretty exciting. Anyways, If you know Rockmelt then that's good. If you don't, let me introduce you to the new browser of the year: Rockmelt: It's not your grandpa's browser.

This browser was one of the easiest and cheekiest for me to use. It has certain applications that we usually need especially if you have a facebook account.

The basics will always be there: THE BROWSER and the SEARCH ENGINE.

But what they have that the others don't have are these: (I hope I'm not mistaken)

You can chat with your friends even if you're on another tab or window. (And I like their chat box~)
You can also share with "One Click Sharing". This works when your in one site and you want to share, just click and you've shared it! No more typing looooooooong URLs.

You can also add more apps like twitter and tumblr and receive notifications and posting up tweets and posts.

You can also receive notifications from Facebook just on the left hand corner of the browser.

Those are the most common of them. But there's many more you should catch using. Explore Rockmelt-Not your grandpa's browser!

Well that's pretty much all. I use both Mozilla and Rockmelt and they're great browsers to say. Those two are my top choices in the World Wide Web. If you have browsers that you think is also great, comment and suggests it to me. And I'll blog it for you :)

Sleeping Beauty

Sorry for my previous post of meaninglessness. Anyway, did I tell you that I'm a dancer? A ballet dancer? Well now you know, this year my dance school and its company will be doing "Sleeping Beauty" and I was included in the cast as  Fairy Attendants. For the company show, I'm an understudy for.... Fairy Children! (I know it's not that great,  the other one is better). We'll be joining the dance Garlands for this year. I am still not sure if I'm going to be dancing in the show since I have said that I'm only an UNDERSTUDY. But this is great

For me who just got my scholarship for the first time this year, for me who had my scholarship forms/auditions more than 3 times, this is a great improvement. I cannot say that I'm a really good dancer. But I can say that I am NOT a WANNABE either. I know how to dance. I know what dance is. Well in terms of ballet. I have good knowledge about it. This year has been a great year for me. despite all my grades in school going up and down because of teachers i don't like, laziness, not passing projects, uncooperative teamwork and such. But I'd like you to know that one day I'll be up on that stage with them. One day I won't only be dancing with the babies. One day I'll be dancing with my toes up.

By the way, I'd like to "advertise" CCP's Ballet Philippines will be presenting Sleeping Beauty this December 2011 feauturing their principal dancers: Candice Adea, Katherine Trofeo, Carissa Adea and JM Cordero and many other great dancers. Also we have our international guest peformer Nobuo Fujino with the Manila Symphonic Orchestra playing live, according to CCP Ballet Philippines' Facebook page and Inquirer. Visit: their website for more information and/or follow their facebook page for updates.

Ballet Philippines - We Dance For You

Sem Break Countdown Last Few Days

Seeing how time flies so fast, I have realized that there's only around 5 days of vacation aka Semestral Break. 

This year is kind of different. This year's sem break feels so fast considering the fact that this is the vacation we've been wishing for. I am not sure if it's just me who doesn't know time management. If you've realized, then congrats. If you haven't, then prepare to be doomed. 

I actually was supposed to plan out my sem break all busy and stuff. It's suppose to go like this: 
 LAST WEEK: Finish ballet, cook, shop and enjoy Halloween. 
THIS WEEKEND: Went to Golden Sunset Resort
THIS WEEK: __________________???_____________

I seriously don't know what to do in the next 5 days. Well, today is the first one.

I get enough sleep but i sleep late, wake up late. I eat a lot, but not too much. I want to swim but seriously I'm lazy. I want to do something, but I'm so busy. I wanted to have a movie marathon but where is the movie? I can't keep listening to songs forever!

Anyways, this post is quite shorter and meaningless. I'll post up some more late, something better to be an enthusiastic and sarcastic read. 

Countdown: 5 days to go till school starts ago.  

7 months of music hiatus

I had this 7-month vacation (sort of) in playing my violin. It was in April that I last played my instrument. It was in April that I last touched it.

Last week, when our semestral break started, my teacher told me that she reserved me a time slot on a Friday after classes just to continue my violin lessons. I was grateful for that. So I went home and I tried playing the violin again. And I'm telling you, most of it I forgot how to play it.
In my coming back it feels like that I'll be starting all the way back to Book 1 of my Suzuki Violin lesson that I worked only for 1 year (usually it takes more than 1 year to master it) and Book 2 that it took me only less than half a year (around 4-6 months). Then if I really do, I might return to doing my etudes, which I never really liked.

The reason why I had a hiatus or a break (vacation) in violin is probably this:

1. I struggled in finishing etudes.
2. I don't like MEMORIZING. You see I'm about to finish Book 3 and I'm about to do Book 4, which requires reading the piece while playing it which is what I love about.
3. I don't join in the group lessons (it's part of the preparation for orchestra performances) because I have ballet at the same time slot of their group lesson. 
4. I got a scholarship in dance, which required  everyday training, so my time slot and my teacher's time slot became mismatched. 
5. I had cramps playing it.  

I seriously love playing the violin. I do. It is just that, the more I play, it felt like I'm playing it not for me but for someone else and the requirement of playing music for happiness is a level that I cannot meet no matter how good I become. 

So in this past 7 months, I realize that if I want to play the songs I want to play, if I want to get to a good college with a good Music course, if I want to be soloist someday, then I'd work by hands off.
I had this one more disadvantage  I started playing the violin when i was 11, quite late for a violinist since they usually start at 3 or 4. But i was happy that i started piano first (but i stopped) because it was easier to read notes in piano. I am musically inclined. 

My family might not be gifted instrument players but my family can really sing well. My aunt, my cousin, my grand uncles, they can sing very well. Sadly i didn't get their ability to sing but i am lucky to be musically inclined because my brothers are intellectually inclined (Smart people). 

I am not saying I'm not smart but I am saying I am more on the Arts side. I am not a  person who gets below 75 every quarter. just the average score of 76-90. and I had 100 before in P.E. for dance :)

But I also realized that there are people who started later than me so I shouldn't be down now. My teacher started violin only in around 2nd or 3rd year of high school and still got into the Manila Symphonic Orchestra. So why can't I ? I have to beat it, beat the expectation.

So I had this goal that by the end of this year, I must finish the last song of my book 3 and start book 4 in Jan. 2012. The reason it'll take me more than a month to finish a song that is 2 pages long is because I know that my teacher won't make me jump to the next level so soon. I'll need to regain the strength I used to have from playing the violin. I need to go back and start from scratch.

My fingers still do remember the basic things about violin: fretting and bowing. But the hard things like vibrato, legato, stocato, and more patterned bowing and fretting, it's hard to regain all of them. 

Now I am doing a self-rehabilitation for violin just to regain my strength before I start violin again so it would be easier for me to finish the songs  and start my dream book: #4. 

I'll update you one day about my rehabilitation process from the 7-month hiatus. Then if I am really good again, I'll post up some videos of mine playing your favorite songs. Thank you! Comment, Rate and Suggests. 

Til next time!

No Rice Policy

As I have said before, I am a dancer. But not just any dancer but a ballet dancer.

But I can't guarantee you that I'm good, probably average but not a wannabe.

There was a time in my dance life when our teacher required us to "NOT eat rice ANYMORE". This was when we had our scholar's meeting (I'm a scholar in a prestigious dance school).

She goes like "Dancers, starting today you are not to eat rice anymore. If you want to dance you'll have to be less than your normal weight. For a dancer you need to be 5-10 pounds less." Almost all the girls were thinking: "So this is not enough?" or like "I'm gonna die in hunger!". Then my teacher continued:

"There was a time that Teacher N said that your body carries 8x your weight if you stand on pointe shoes. Standing flat using your two feet, that is your normal weight. Standing on one foot, that one foot carries 2x your weight. Going on a releve, it carries 3 or 4x your weight and so on."

It was an equation that I haven't really thought of. But the harder I think, the easier I get the conclusion. The reason why it's hard to balance on one foot is because all our weight depends on the ankle or the balls of that foot. This makes it heavier and harder to balance compared to using two feet in the fifth position releve.

But not eating rice is not a very pretty thing. Since most of us grew up eating with rice and ulam, Filipino style, it's hard to just eat ulam (food) by itself. It doesn't really taste good. So what I did in my diet was to make fried potato (natural french fries made from real potato cut into strips and fried) my alternative. I am not really sure if it's good for me but my teacher said it's fine.

So these are the 3 things that we have to avoid:


And start eating these:


For some people, it may seem understandable and not really a big deal. But for most of us, especially Filipinos so in love with the traditional rice and ulam custom, it's hard I'm telling you now.

It's been around 25 days since then. I made a small conclusion on how much rice I ate in 25 days and what I ate as an alternative:

3 CUPS of RICE is more than ENOUGH.

            We had our vacation at the Golden Sunset Resort and there I ate 2 cups of rice in Tagaytay for the delicious bulalo! It's not really very delicious to just eat the soup. vThe other cup of rice I ate was in a birthday party when we had dinner. We were eating at Max at that time. But seriously after those 3 days of eating rice (1 cup each day), I gained around a pound or 2. And it's not very nice to gain what you lost for 3 weeks! But after not eating rice for a long time, it felt like I felt lighter, my weight became lighter and kind of a bit slimmer. Just a bit. But after eating even just 1 cup of rice, I'm telling you, my body felt like frozen in a dessert.

I seriously couldn't move too much. That 1 cup of rice was actually just a small fraction of my regular consumption of rice  before! I used to eat 2 cups of rice then, but I can still move normally but after eating a cup of rice, after 3 weeks of  not eating rice, it was like i was carrying a stone in my stomach. And it's not very nice to see myself with a big tummy But that past weekenend vacation of 2 cups of rice made me gain around 4 pounds from my lost weight. And it's hard to lose it again.


After weeks of no rice, some friends of mine had a discussion on the dis/advantages of this policy.


1. Makes you feel lighter. Having no rice for a while, felt that my body is lighter and I get to jump higher.
2. makes it easier to lose weight faster. we just need to eat more healthy food and do daily exercises.
3.We also became more healthier since too much carbohydrates is bad especially if you're a person who needs to lose weight. (glucose)


1. We start to eat more than 3x a day. Usually we at 5-6x a day now: Breakfast, Recess, Lunch, Afternoon Snacks, dinner, and sometimes midnight snacks.
2. It's harder to maintain energy without rice. We feel lighter but we become weaker since we're not used to eating no rice.

3. The food choices become more limited. Even with fries/fried potato, there's still a lot of difference between eating food with fries and eating food with rice. So the food we eat are those that tastes good even without rice but it's not very nice to eat the same thing over and over. Though people may say that there are other variety of foods out there, it's just really hard to do so because people like me don't eat too many kinds of food.

But all in all, I am not discriminating the no rice policy because there are really people out there who were born without really much for rice. It is just that, for our group, rice is important and was part of our eating habits. It's just hard to take it all out all of a sudden! But all in all I conclude that the No Rice Policy is something easy and hard to do. it has its advantages and disadvantages. 

But I'd probably thank my teacher the most for giving this policy because if she didn't i'd probably struggle to lose weight!

Till then, Comment, Rate and Suggests! I'd love to see your opinion about this!

I am 100% Filipino! (Eiditorial Review)

If you're 100% Filipino then you'd get the jokes I'll post later. I've also shared this on facebook so you can check it there if you want. You see, a friend of mine shared this little laugh trip joke. WARNING: BETTER READ IT AND DON"T SKIP IT. :>

 Then I thought, "Who thought of this? it's very clever indeed." This lead me to this facebook page: I am 100% Filipino! I looked at the pictures and I'm telling you, being a proud Filipino makes me realize how philosophic filipinos are. And that includes me. Somehow or another, I appreciate the thought. If you're a Filipino, please don't forget to like their page. All credits and sources should be for them. No credits go to me because all pictures/photos/status comes from them. I dearly respect them!

Here's my top pick for the editiorial pics they showed in the album "Laugh Trips," including the 10 Facts about you above: 

 In here, I got my first 4 words that describes me: 
Passionate, Talented, Outgoing, and Out spoken

I am not sure if this is all theirs or what. All I know it's a laughtrip thing and I am lmao! =)))))))) If you have seen this before then be it. If you haven't, then hello, what'd you think? 

Now since I've shared this to you already, I'm off to dinner. Goodbye!