Sem Break Countdown Last Few Days

Seeing how time flies so fast, I have realized that there's only around 5 days of vacation aka Semestral Break. 

This year is kind of different. This year's sem break feels so fast considering the fact that this is the vacation we've been wishing for. I am not sure if it's just me who doesn't know time management. If you've realized, then congrats. If you haven't, then prepare to be doomed. 

I actually was supposed to plan out my sem break all busy and stuff. It's suppose to go like this: 
 LAST WEEK: Finish ballet, cook, shop and enjoy Halloween. 
THIS WEEKEND: Went to Golden Sunset Resort
THIS WEEK: __________________???_____________

I seriously don't know what to do in the next 5 days. Well, today is the first one.

I get enough sleep but i sleep late, wake up late. I eat a lot, but not too much. I want to swim but seriously I'm lazy. I want to do something, but I'm so busy. I wanted to have a movie marathon but where is the movie? I can't keep listening to songs forever!

Anyways, this post is quite shorter and meaningless. I'll post up some more late, something better to be an enthusiastic and sarcastic read. 

Countdown: 5 days to go till school starts ago.  

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