When I was making the layout of this blog, there was one thing that I did not fill out. The Favicon. When I first saw it I was like "What is this for?". So I tried using it but all the pictures I thought would be great for it was a goner. So I searched again back in Google what favicon is.
According to wikipedia: A favicon
Basically it's the one that serves like identity of a certain Web site or Web page.
The "W" here is the favicon of Wikipedia.
So now, let's go to the making part. How do they make it?
I am seriously not familiar with this all favicon thing. But getting back to the layout making of this blog, I was desperate to make a favicon. So I ended up going to favicon.ico Generator.
In this site, you can make your own favicon and put it in your website or web pages.
You'll be given a 16x16 graph where you'll start coloring the boxes according to the image of your favicon for your web site or pages.
Then you can save it in your desktop and use it for your own!
Here are the favicons of familiar sites:
1. Facebook - I am sure that EVERY ONE knows about this.
3. Google - I'll be shocked if no one knows about this site!
4.Yahoo - If there's a "g" there's a "Y"!
People might ask me this: "Isn't that their logos?"
Well, yes it is. Usually, your favicon is the logo that identifies a certain website. Also there's nothing wrong in putting your logo as your favicon. But not all are logos like Twitter. Twitter's logo is the small letter "t", however they use a bird for their favicon in their site. Also, favicons are usually the shortened version of a logo.
Well, that's about it! Don't forget to check out favicon.ico Generator and create your own icons. You can also other people's work of icons!
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