Sleeping Beauty (Update)

Hey folks! Still remember my previous post about Sleeping Beauty ? I told you before that I am an understudy at the start of this month. But last Saturday's decisions changed it all.

One of my co-dancer quit the dance for her to focus on her studies because she's a graduating student. I was even pleasing her not to let go about the dance because it's a great chance to have an oppurtunity like this. But she decided and gave the role to me. It was sad but fortunate in both ways.

So it so happens that from December 2-11, I might be dancing everyday for the shows. So starting last week, We've been doing rehearsals for our dance. And it's tiring. because we have almost like everyday rehearsals from 7-10 pm. and classes from 5:30 -7 or 8 pm. Despite the tiring events, for me and all the other dancers it's worth our time. Not only because of the chances of success and oppurtunities but because we all love to dance.

That's one reason. We dance because we love to. And our logo was "We dance for you". We dance not only for ourselves but to share it to others too. And each performance we make is for me and for all of you.

I'll put an update about the performances soon!

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